Mixed-media installation: Works on paper, Digital video, Digital audio. Dimensions: variable
This body of work engages with historical themes related to fascism in Italy. Together these discreet works were conceived as an installation that aims to unveil the often hidden or forgotten articulations of fascist ideologies that are reinscribed into our contemporary contexts.
This body of work consists of:
PONTE (ORIZZONTALE) (2013) Mixed media: works on paper, fluorescent lights. (variable)
PONTE (VERTICALE) (2013) Digital video, 5 min. 46 sec. (looped)
DUE MODESTE PROPOSTE (2013) Mixed media: work on paper, objects. (variable)
GRAM / SCI (2013) Work on paper
PUNTO (2013) Digital video (looped)
SILENCE, PLEASE (2013) Digital audio (looped)
SPUTO (2013) Digital print (40 X 50 cm) Edition: 1
This body of work was created during an artist residency at the British School at Rome.
BSR Gallery (Rome)
Romanian Academy (Rome)
SILENCE PLEASE is part of the PASOLINI PROJECT - a project inspired by Italian filmmaker and poet Pier Paolo Pasolini
Ponte (verticale) and Ponte (orizontale) [2013]
Mixed-media installation: Works on paper, Digital video, Audio, Mixed-media (variable)
Installation view: SCA Galleries (Sydney, Australia)

Ponte (verticale) and Ponte (orizontale) [2013]
Mixed-media installation: Works on paper, Digital video, Audio, Mixed-media (variable)
Installation view: BSR Gallery (Rome, Italy)

‘Due Modeste Proposte (Per Eliminare La Criminalita’ in Italia’) [2013]
Mixed-media: works on paper, objects (variable)
Installation view: BSR Gallery (Rome, Italy)

GRAM / SCI [2013]
Mixed-media: works on paper, objects (variable)
Installation view: BSR Gallery (Rome, Italy)

GRAM / SCI [2013]
Mixed-media: works on paper, objects (variable)
Installation view: SCA Galleries (Sydney, Australia)

PUNTO [2013]
Digital video (variable)
Installation view: SCA Galleries (Sydney, Australia)

Silence, Please [2013]
Mixed media installation: Digital audio, audio components (variable)
Installation view: Romanian Academy (Rome, Italy)