UNFOLD [2011]
Published artist book - offset, 240mm X 170mm, 48 pages, 3 gatefold
Published in conjunction with the exhibition THE RETURN [2011] at ENJOY Public Art Gallery (Wellington)
Includes the essay 'The Elliptical Return' by Mercedes Vicente
THE RETURN is an autobiographically inspired project examining shifting notions of home and belonging seen through a queer transnational lens. The project is comprised of discrete photographic, video- and sound-based works in an installation that explores ideas of the return (whether feasible or impossible) to an originary home (whether actual or imagined, symbolic or real).
UNFOLD engages with a redeployment of the family photography archive to create a counternarrative that aims to address various forms of erasure.
In association with ENJOY Public Art Gallery (Wellington)
Mercedes Vicente, 'The Eliptical Return', Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, 2011
Mark Amery, 'Construction of the Subject', Eye Contact, 2011